Online Training

The online AFB Recognition and Refresher Courses are an excellent solution for those that are unable to make our in-person classroom based courses due to location, convenience or accessibility.

The full AFB Recognition Course is broken down into modules which means you can work at your own pace.  You can complete it all in one go or you may opt to slowly work through the modules over a period of time.

Please note that from 1 April 2024 every paid registration for either the online or classroom courses will be posted a free copy of the “yellow book” – Elimination of American Foulbrood Disease without the Use of Drugs.

The AFB Recognition Course and the AFB Recognition Refresher Course are available now via the portal below.  Simply click the button to be taken to the sign up page to register for your course.  The full course and assessments cost $100 and the AFB Recognition Refresher is FREE.
(For the best experience, we discourage accessing the course content via a mobile phone)

It is a quick and simple process to register:

Online registration instructions showing detailed images can be click here:

  1. You will be asked to create an account with your name, email and a password
  2. You will then be sent a verification email to activate your account
  3. After you click the verification button in your email, you will gain access to your courses dashboard
  4. From your dashboard, you will select the orange button titled ‘+Course’ to select the course you would like to register for (AFB Recognition Course & Assessments or AFB Recognition Refresher Course)
  5. For the full course & assessments you will then be prompted to pay for the course to gain entry to the training materials
  • Payment can be made via PayPal or credit card (using the guest option within PayPal).  If you wish to pay via direct debit to our bank account, please refer to the online registration instructions above as this includes our bank details.

(For the best experience, we discourage accessing the course content via a mobile phone)

Online Training fees:

  • Online Training Recognition Course (plus assessments): $100.00 (incl GST)
  • Online Refresher Course (no assessments): FREE
  • Sit the assessments only (no course): $50.00 (incl GST)

The AFB Recognition Assessments

By submitting the AFB Recognition Assessments online, you will get immediate results.

Please note that if you fail the assessments, there is no cost to sit the AFB Recognition Assessments a second time.  You will have a stand down period of fourteen days before an email will be sent to you inviting you to sit them again.  Please contact [email protected] if you wish to discuss this.

When you successfully pass the AFB Recognition Assessments you can download a certificate from your online dashboard as confirmation of your passing.

The DECA process:

By passing the assessments and being fully compliant with the American Foulbrood Pest Management Plan rules for a minimum of 12 months, you will be eligible to apply for a Disease Elimination Conformity Agreement (DECA). Beekeepers that enter into a Disease Elimination Conformity Agreement with The Management Agency are committing to eliminate AFB from their beehives through carrying out the AFB elimination practices and procedures specified in the agreement. In recognition of this commitment The Management Agency provides the beekeeper with an exemption from the Certificate of Inspection requirements.

For further information on the DECA process, please click here

For Apiculture Students:

If you are completing an Apiculture Course and are required to sit the AFB Recognition Course and assessments, please contact Janette at with your student number.  She will arrange for your access to the online content.  As an Apiculture student, you are welcome to sign up for a classroom based course if you would prefer this instead of online.  Please note your student number in the comments field when submitting your form.


If you are planning on doing an AFB Recognition Course it is strongly recommended that you purchase and study a copy of the book titled “Elimination of American Foulbrood Disease without the Use of Drugs” commonly referred to as the yellow book. This worthwhile publication can be obtained from:

AFB Quiz
Take the AFB 5 minute quiz

How well do you know what you need to know about AFB and beekeeping? Take our short quiz and find out.

AFB Videos

Our videos cover everything from your legal obligations to how to recognise AFB, collecting cell and bee samples and more.

AFB Symptoms

There’s a lot of good information here, telling you everything you need to know about recognising AFB: the visual symptoms, smell of AFB and more.

AFB Inspection and Diagnosis
Inspection and Diagnosis

Successfully eliminate AFB by telling the difference between symptoms of AFB and other brood diseases in the hive. We tell you the best methods for inspecting your hives.

The Law

New Zealand beekeepers have a number of legal obligations that must be met regarding AFB disease. Read the shortened list in summary, here.

AFB Elimination

Most hives become infected because bees, honey or equipment have been put into a hive from another hive that is infected with AFB. Lower your chances of an  AFB infection by reading this section.

AFB Course Info
AFB Recognition Course Info

Find out when the next AFB Recognition and Competency Courses, or Refresher Courses are available. These are held throughout the year in various New Zealand locations across the South Island and North Island.

The AFB App

Follow the link below to open the App. Once open to save to your device you need to bookmark the URL on your phone so you can find it easily again. Please click here to open.